I have a piano I would like to donate. What are my next steps?
Thank you for your interest in donating a piano to Pianos for People! To donate a piano, please review our acceptance criteria here, and if you think your piano would fulfill our donation requirements, fill out our online application here.
After submitting your application, please allow 1-2 weeks to hear from us regarding the status of your application.
If the application is approved, we will contact you to set up an appointment with our piano technician and moving crew. Upon a successful inspection, with no significant structural issues found with the piano, we will schedule a moving date, usually 1-3 weeks after your inspection.
This process may take up to 1-2 months to complete, and therefore we are unable to arrange for rapid pick-ups, but please contact us if you think you may have an exceptional circumstance.
Contact: Danny Ravensberg [email protected] (314) 616-7688
Does Pianos for People accept organs or other instruments?
No, Pianos for People only accepts pianos and electronic keyboards.
Does Pianos for People accept electronic keyboards?
Yes, many of our recipients live in houses without access to an elevator, and would benefit from some sort of practice instrument, even if it’s not an acoustic piano.
Please contact Danny to arrange a drop-off of your keyboard at our location at 3138 Cherokee Street, St. Louis MO 63118.
My piano does not meet your criteria for acceptance, do you have any recommendations?
While we cannot offer formal advice, we suggest asking your piano technician if they might use the piano for parts or restoration. Also, you may find a local piano teacher who has an early student who may benefit from having a piano. You can also check with your local school or church to see if they would like the piano or know of anyone who needs one. Another resource is Piano Adoptions, an international database pairing piano donors with recipients: https://pianoadoptions.com/
I would like a piano. What are my next steps?
We’re glad you found Pianos for People! Please apply for a piano here. You will need to provide verification of need, which may be: your most recent tax documents, your two most recent pay stubs, proof of federal assistance, or a description of your circumstances.
Can I drop off a piano at your location?
No. Please review our acceptance criteria and use our application process by filling out your online application here.
Please contact Danny with any special circumstances at (314) 285-5852, or [email protected].
After I donate a piano, do I receive a tax receipt?
Yes, while we don’t offer formal appraisals, our tax receipts allow you to claim up to $5,000 as a tax deduction. Any piano donation over $5,000 requires an independent appraisal by a qualified technician.
Do you take grand pianos?
Yes, we occasionally accept grand pianos if they meet our criteria for acceptance.
How do I find out the age of my piano?
In order to determine the age of your piano, you will need to find the original receipt (if it was purchased new), or find its serial number. After finding its serial number, you can include it in the piano’s application, and we can date it for you, or you can look it up using this website: http://www.bluebookofpianos.com/serial1.htm
If you have any questions about finding the serial number, please contact Danny Ravensberg at [email protected], or (314) 616 7688.
Why don’t you accept all pianos?
Whilst we would love to accept all pianos, through experience we have developed a carefully considered process to ensure that the pianos we accept are suitable for our program. Sometimes, this means having to turn down pianos that are too old or require too much investment to do this in a sustainable way.
Do you accept sheet music and other music donations?
We do accept some donations of beginner method books in excellent condition, on a very limited basis. Please call us at (314) 285-5852 or email [email protected] to speak with Kayia about your potential donation.
How do I apply for piano lessons?
You may apply for lessons on our website by clicking the “FREE LESSONS” tab and filling out the online application. First-time students must first register for our group piano classes, and “test in” to our private lesson slots. Please note that we run on a “school-year” format, and registration typically fills up quickly in the Fall and Spring.
Are the piano lessons free?
Yes, based on your ability to show need (i.e. proof of income, receiving government assistance, on disability or SSI or other extenuating circumstances). The only thing we ask you to pay for is the piano books you’ll be learning from. We ask for a flat yearly donation of $20.00, which will cover any and all materials for that entire school year. Our goal is to provide free lessons to those who would not otherwise be able to afford it.
If my income is too high for the free tuition, can my child still attend the piano school?
We don’t want to turn anyone away, but please understand that our goal first and foremost is to provide opportunity to those from low-income families. We assess families on a case-by-case basis and take into consideration extenuating circumstances.
What is the youngest age a child can begin piano lessons at your school?
We offer a “Piano-Garten” class for ages 4-5, which prepares kids to enter into the Beginner Group Piano classes starting at age 6. All first-time students must begin in our group classes. After sufficient progress has been made in the group classes, and meeting our requirements (including attendance and maturity), students then may “test in” to private piano lessons with one of our wonderful instructors as slots become available.
Do you offer piano lessons to adults?
Yes, we do! We have specific classes for adults of all ages. When registration is next available, the link can be found in our “Free Lessons” page. All registrations must be completed online.
Do you have to know how to play or have had piano lessons before to take lessons at the piano school?
No. You do not need any prior experience on the piano; we have a wonderfully talented and highly qualified teaching staff eager to help you learn how to play the piano. First-time students must start out in our beginner group piano classes before “testing in” to private piano lessons. When these classes are available for registration, they can be found in our “Free Lessons” page. Please note that our classes run on a typical “school-year” format, and registrations tend to fill up quickly in the Fall and Spring.
What if I already have experience? Do I need to take the beginner group class, or can I take a private lesson?
You will need to audition to qualify for a private lesson spot. The majority of our students are beginners and need to learn the basics in the group classes, but we are more than happy to place qualified students in private lesson slot if one is available.
What if I don’t have a piano?
If you don’t have a piano and would like one, please fill out the online application by clicking on the tab “APPLY FOR A PIANO”. You are also welcome to schedule a practice time at our Cherokee Street Piano Studio. To do this, please call us at (314) 285 5852. Please be aware that we are not always able to grant practice requests, as our studio may be in use for classes or lessons.
How many locations do you have that offer piano lessons?
We have two main locations: the South City location at 3138 Cherokee, St. Louis, MO 63118 and the Ferguson/North County location at 333 N. Florissant Rd., Ferguson, MO 63135 (inside the First Baptist Church of Ferguson). In addition to our two main locations, we have a new satellite location at The Hub (located in the Jeff Vanderlou neighborhood), as well as an increasing number of outreach programs offering classes at other locations, such as: Saint Cecilia School and Academy, and Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School.